Set in the frozen world of a post-apocalyptic 2144, Sumi, a young warrior girl raised by a mama polar bear, narrowly escapes capture from the brutal Morad hunting party and sets out across the vast winter landscape. When Sumi stumbles across the mysterious Frozen Girl, an unlikely friendship is forged and together they race ahead of the brutal rival tribe towards the only guiding light Sumi knows, the Polaris star.
Viva Lee, Muriel Dutil, Khamisa Wilsher
Kirsten Carthew
Alyson Richards, Kirsten Carthew, Max Fraser, Paul Cadieux
Kirsten Carthew
Icy, Futuristic Thriller With An All-Female Cast POLARIS From Filmmaker KC Carthew Comes To VOD On November 7
Icy, Futuristic Thriller With An All-Female Cast POLARIS From Filmmaker KC Carthew Comes To VOD On November 7
A space colonist crash lands on Earth and joins forces with a Resistance to save the galaxy from human extinction.
VIEW DETAILSA team of thieves use a time travel drug to trade places with their future selves to execute the ultimate heist.
VIEW DETAILSWhen numerous mysterious alien “doors” appear around the globe, humanity must come together to understand their purp
VIEW DETAILSIn a frozen post-apocalyptic 2144, a warrior girl raised by a polar bear fights to survive after escaping brutal hunters
VIEW DETAILSA brother must hide his twin sister’s supernatural powers from an unstoppable government agent trying to destroy them.
VIEW DETAILSHarris, a taxi driver, and his passenger, Penny, find themselves in an endlessly looping ride that changes their lives.
VIEW DETAILSWhen Frank goes out on the town to celebrate a promotion, he is dosed with a hallucinogen that changes his life forever.
VIEW DETAILSA workplace robot, transforms into a killing machine when he discovers he will be replaced by a more efficient model.
VIEW DETAILSTrapped in a room with no escape, four brilliant minds race against time to prevent a cosmic collapse of the universe.
VIEW DETAILSWhen an alien takes the form of an adult film star, both must learn how to cope with the complexities of being human.
VIEW DETAILSIn 2065, the crew of the Pegasus are searching for a new home for humanity.
VIEW DETAILSFor 24 hours demons rise to purge the population. One family battles to save themselves and seal the breach.
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